The following prayers are offered for use in your daily spiritual practice. There are prayers from Mirabai Devi and Howard Wills. For more, please visit Howard Wills at
Personal Cleansing Prayer
Generational Cleansing Prayer
Cleansing Prayer for All Humanity
World Heart Prayer
Prayer for Universal Healing
Prayer for Infinite Blessings
Prayer of Freedom
Prayer for the World
Prayer of Bounty
Ancestral Prayer
The Gift of Life Prayer 1: Forgiveness Affirmation
The Gift of Life Prayer 2: Prayer of Personal Forgiveness
The Gift of Life Prayer 3: Prayer of Complete Personal Forgiveness
The Gift of Life Prayer 4: Prayer of Generational Forgiveness
The Gift of Life Prayer 5: Prayer for All Nations, All Races, All Humanity, The Earth & All Life
The Gift of Life Prayer 6: Prayer of Complete Healing for All Relationships
The Gift of Life Prayer 7: Prayer of Complete Personal Healing
The Gift of Life Prayer 8: Prayer of Thanks
The Gift of Life Prayer 9: Prayer of Bounty
Global Generational Prayer
Prayer for all Humanity
World Heart Prayer
Purification Prayer