Private Retreats
with Mirabai Devi

Deeply Transformational. Awakening.
Wholly Life-Changing

Like Nothing You've Ever Done Before

Welcome to a Private Retreat with Mirabai Devi

If you have not yet experienced a private retreat with Mirabai, ask yourself if you are ready to do deep inner work and take yourself on a journey of clearing and releasing and healing. 

In a retreat with Mirabai, you can do what most people clear, heal and release in the afterlife after death. 


The main focus of a retreat with Mirabai is to learn your life lessons, and clear your karma, and not make the same mistakes that have brought you to your current circumstances.  In this retreat you will be guided through breakthrough healing via powerful methods that will help you to cleanse, heal and remember who you are, and move through and beyond blockages, trauma, stuckness and limitation that is holding you in separation, pain, and suffering. 

In a Private, One-To-One Retreat you will:

  • Receive powerful healing  – physically, emotionally, mentally, psychically and spiritually…
  • Experience intense awakening and the ability to come out of victimization and being asleep or in darkness, and step into taking responsibility by becoming a master co~creator of your story and life. Life is so fleeting!  We all need a spiritual guide to help us access our personal power so we can manifest an upgraded version of the life we are currently living. 
  • Release emotional and energy blocks that stem from past lives and/ or childhood trauma and unconscious fears and patterns. These conditioned programs cause us untold suffering in every way and in every area of our life. Mirabai is an expert at releasing these blocks as she can see behind the veils things that you cannot see and others are not likely to be able to see, either. Releasing these blocks can release energy and will support you being able to attract what you want to magnify. As a result, you will feel lighter, your pain will decrease and ease, and you will step into a higher version of who you are. 
  • Be able to help your relationships and your family members as you will become more empowered and positive and powerful and be in a position to help others.This work can change the nature of ALL your relationships – especially your relationship with yourself, and from there, everything else can change and shift.
  • Explore, transform, release and heal your family lineage karma and past life karma and karmic patterns. Working with Mirabai will reveal karmic inheritances that may be causing physical pain in specific places, or disease, emotional triggers and patterns that you hold, but that are not serving you or your Highest Good. Replace these with new positive life giving ways of being.
  • Remove stubborn blocks to healing – those blockages that are really hard to access because they are deeply hidden inside of us, the negativity that’s hiding inside of us is hard to access unless we make the time and space to dig in and find it and transform it, so that we can release it. 
  • Mirabai pushes Light into people and shows them the cause of their condition and works with you to clear the cause so there is a deeper understanding of the process. You work together hand-in-hand to turn your negative experiences into positive life lessons and this happens through the process of forgiveness, energy work and healing. 
  • Deepen your connection to your Higher Self. 


Do you have access to your Higher Self? Do you communicate with it? Do you follow its guidance? Do you follow your intuition and the prompts that your intuition gives you?  Do you notice the messages that the Universe speaks, and the signs that are shown to you? Are you sensitive to receiving guidance?  

On your retreat, Mirabai will help you develop a deeper connection with your guidance system and your Higher Self. 

Receive large amounts of Divine Light for spiritual activation and ascension to move beyond the small ego nature, the cemented patterns and stuck places and experience a healed version of yourself.

Feel the freedom and relief from pain, suffering, limitation, stuckness, grief, anger and sickness, financial challenges, and depression.

Why Do A Retreat?

A Personal Retreat is conducted on a completely different level than anything else you might experience with Mirabai. It is not at all like a private session. Where a private session moves you through issues and blockages, a private retreat goes deeper into soul work.

Retreats take you into past lives, other timelines, multi-dimensional realms, working with Light Beings, guides, and your Higher Self on the deepest of inner journeys. It is transformative, and evolutionary, and even can be lifesaving, for your physical health and your soul, pure and simple.

With exclusive access to Mirabai in focused and intense sessions, one building upon the next, you will spiritually awaken and uncover the revelations and answers to questions and issues that you have been stuck with for a long time. 

This is a process, of course, and not a destination. As you awaken, you also begin to realize how you have been programmed, conditioned, and wired to think, feel and act. The programs that you are running have become the reality of your life, it’s your construct of your life. But that’s all it is, a fabricated creation: a conglomeration of your childhood programming, your lineage patterns and your past life patterns and traumas. 

In a private retreat, you will see how that structure you have built has caused untold negative pain and suffering and affected your life in so many unconscious destructive ways. 

Now you can gain the ability to break the mold of your conditioning and suffering and open into new paradigms of possibility to re-create your life as you wish to experience it. 

Usually retreat participants work on themselves Intensively with the support that Mirabai provides and then after gaining what they need and their own self confidence may begin to work towards serving the Light and being of service to others. 

When you do this service work, Mirabai provides training to find your own unique gifts and abilities to become skilled in these endeavors.

To book a session, call the Office at
(760) 216-1029
OR email us at:

Who Should Do A Personal Retreat?

You are ready for a personal retreat if you already have a spiritual practice, if you have already worked with a spiritual healer, life coach, spiritual teacher, embodiment therapist and are practicing self-awareness and self-reflection.


You are ready for a personal retreat if you are interested in deep personal work that is designed to support your spiritual evolution – which is another way of saying that you may need to go through the pain and suffering you now experience without fear and without self-judgment in order to clear and transform it.


You are ready for a personal retreat if you want to change certain behaviors, patterns, circumstances conditions and nagging negative thoughts. 

Much deep personal work needs to be facilitated by someone else who can see you in a different way than you see yourself.  Mirabai is gifted as a spiritual visionary intuitive healer and can see through these veils of separation.


With exclusive access to Mirabai in focused and intense sessions, you will spiritually awaken and discover your true authentication Self.

What You Can Expect

A Retreat is designed to take you into the deepest level of personal healing and processing – the deepest level you can go to, where everything that you think you were and are that makes up your life story can be transmuted and shifted. You experience greater sovereignty, empowerment, freedom, miraculous healing and greater self-Love,


During a Personal Retreat you will experience teams of Light beings that come in to work with Mirabai to cleanse, unearth, reveal, release, and heal. Mirabai will work with these Light beings together in a Light-Filled container for you.


The container Mirabai holds can’t be held over an extended period of time, so retreats are designed to unfold over a period of just a few weeks.

But you can do a weekly retreat session for as many weeks as you like, if you are on Zoom, with this available technology, if you prefer a slower pace.


Your individual sessions may include:

soul retrieval journeys which include past life regression, visionary intuitive work, Akashic Record readings, spiritual guidance, Light Transmissions, clearing and removing of blocks and obstacles, cutting of cords, clearing & activating chakras, psychic surgery, clearing Samskaras, patterns and stuck or frozen places, inner child work, Self Love work, inner dialogue inter dimensional communication with Light Beings and Guides, 

mediumship work entailing communication with loved ones that have passed, 

opening the heart chakra, 

clearing negative energy, 

accessing higher states of consciousness, peace and bliss – and plenty of guidance, and more!

To book a session, call the Office at
(760) 216-1029
OR email us at:

How To Prepare

To prepare for a retreat, you must also do a private session with Mirabai so that she can get to know you, discuss your needs, and formulate a flow for your retreat. Having this initial session will set you up for the rhythm and flow for one of the most transformational experiences of your life.


For existing clients, or those having done regular retreats, no additional private session is required.


The Five-Day Retreat Package starts with an overview of intentions and a Light Transmission to bring in the Light beings and start mapping out your process. 

The actual retreat days unfold with increasing intensity and substantial psychic work. 

By Day Five, you are ready for final clearing, cleansing, and closure.

Booking Retreats

Personal retreats are potent, powerful, and carefully customized. 

If you have questions and are ready for answers and ready to design your custom retreat, please call the Mirabai Devi Office at :  760-216-1029 or email

1-1 Retreats Completely rejuvenate and transform your life! Individual, couple, week-long or weekend packages are available. 

Make the renewed commitment to yourself to enter into a deeper soul Journey and do your inner work to attain the freedom you have been looking for and book your retreat opportunity now while it’s still available.

A Profound Action to Accelerate Growth

A retreat is one of the most significant investments you can make in your spiritual evolution and is a proven means to accelerate your spiritual growth.  It will focus your life in a positive way, you will integrate new skills, facilitate a deeper connection to the Divine Self within, and transform your experience of life.

With the help of the Divine Light, the pathway to Inner Knowing and
Inner Truth will open.”



Outcomes From Previous Retreats

In 1-1 retreats physical Miraculous healings occur in their bodies.

Some people enter Into higher states of consciousness.

Or have Samadhi experiences – 

People open their hearts and become awakened.


Extreme anxiety and fear gets transformed and people are able to experience inner peace and are now living their purpose.

Some people get symptom free from diseases.


Some who have been emotionally paralyzed shift to experiencing huge abundance and emotional balance.

People get cleared from  chronic anxiety and possession from dark spirits 

By becoming free and clear you are able to understand how it happened to begin with and learn the lessons that it came to teach you.


To book a RETREAT, call the Mirabai Devi Office at

(760) 216-1029

OR email us at:

To book a session, call the Office at
(760) 216-1029
OR email us at:

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