The Mirabai Devi Foundation is a 501(c) Non Profit Organization based in the United States.
Donations from residents of the United States are Tax deductible.
Donations made to the Foundation support Mirabai’s Mission of Raising Global Consciousness which include:
Putting on tours, Darshans; Healing workshops; Scholarships for people in need of private sessions; Lightworker trainings; Spiritual tours; Retreats and Pilgrimages; Talks at bookstores, community centers, global conferences and festivals; Production of books, CD’s DVD’s of Mirabai’s teachings and Light Transmissions; Pod casts and multimedia; Event production; Travel funds, venues, hosting and accommodations, staff and center buildings.
Amount of Donation:
Your Contribution will support the Mirabai Devi Mission and we are greatly appreciative of your generosity to help us with any amount.
Please specify in Pay Pal what your donation is to be used for.