What is the Lightworker Apprenticeship program?
The Lightworker Apprenticeship program is an advanced level of the Lightworker School that trains apprentices in ego surrender. A result of this is the opening of intuitive faculties and the development of advanced skills, thus enabling the apprentice to work with both individuals and groups. The FULL level program is a minimum of 3-years.
What does it mean to be an Apprentice?
A Lightworker apprentice is an individual who has spent 3 or more years under direct supervision and training with Mirabai Devi. These individuals have been hand-selected by Mirabai, and developed and trained for the specific intention to delve deeper into ego surrender in order to be able to work on others. This intensive program requires dedication to spiritual development and a full commitment to work towards learning and attaining certain skills and levels of awareness that are required to work on others. These skills include:
- Meditation
- Breathwork
- Forgiveness Prayer Cleansing
- Family and Lineage Cleansing
- Spiritual Readings
- Entity Clearing
- Psychic Protection
- Guided Visualisation
- Light Transmission
- Working with Angels, Light Beings, Arch-Angels, and Masters
- Lightwork healing
- Self Love techniques
- Manifestation techniques
Mirabai Devi Lightworker Apprentices
Patrick Paul Garlinger
In 2010, Patrick had a profound spiritual awakening and met his teacher, Mirabai Devi, and began to study with her. Since 2013, Patrick has been an apprentice to Mirabai, undertaking a rigorous course of study and training in spiritual wisdom, prayer, mantra, and Light transmission. Under Mirabai’s tutelage, Patrick has experienced samadhi and a kundalini awakening, and has begun channeling books of spiritual wisdom from his Higher Self.
In 2016, he published When Thought Turns to Light: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Transformation, a highly accessible introduction to spiritual techniques for readers seeking to incorporate more peace, joy, and wonder into their everyday lives. In 2017, he published Seeds of Light: Channeled Transmissions on the Christ Consciousness, the first of three volumes of writing channeled by him between March and September 2016.
Patricia Howard
Patricia has always felt a great love for the Divine; she could access expanded states of consciousness from early childhood. Though her professional life started in the business and Information Technology worlds, she transitioned to being a practitioner of the healing arts on graduating the Barbara Brennan School of Healing in 1999. She also completed the Advanced Program in Education, Supervision and Brennan Integrative Practitioner training. In 2003 she completed the practicum of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction at the Center for Mindfulness University of Massachusetts. She now teaches the MBSR program in hospitals, healthcare facilities and corporations in the Boston area, is a mentor to Brennan students, teaches the Hands of Light weekend, facilitates groups and sees people for individual sessions.
After years of Lightworker training she was accepted by Mirabai into the 3 year Lightworker Apprenticeship program, where she studied spiritual teachings, forgiveness prayers, Light transmissions and spiritual healing.
Under Mirabai’s guidance Patricia has been able to develop and amplify what was once most private to her: the exquisite connection to the Divine, Higher states of consciousness, and healing abilities. Through this guidance, she has become open to share with others. It is with deep gratitude and surrender that she offers these Light Transmissions and Forgiveness Prayers. She is humbled to work so consciously with the Divine self within each person she works with.
She can be reached by email at pmchoward@hotmail.com and by phone (617) 524-7628.
Katie Loving
Katie had transcendent experiences from the time she was very little, being aware of animals and plants and emotions and energy flows in ways she only later came to realize was not common to everyone. When she was a teenager, she began seeing colored lights on the inner planes, first with Purple Light. Guidance came to her from this Light, and she knew it was always there when she had need. She experienced relinquishing her separate identity in merging with the stars, or the light seen through a flower. She treasured her time in Nature.
During her adulthood, including her own contracting business of 20 years, mothering, teaching dance, being the treasurer of a small software corporation, the Divine Presence of Light grew in her. She could see, and know, an infinite number of lights and vibrational frequencies, including “seeing” the Divine Light being gifted to others in need. She was being taught directly from the Masters of Light on a daily basis. And nothing in her heart of hearts meant more to her than to live the purposes for which she took birth.
When Katie first saw Mirabai Devi in the spring of 2006, she “saw” the Divine Light coming into the room. This was not a mental assessment, but a clarity of knowing. Katie has been working with Mirabai since.
Beginning in 2010, Katie became the National Coordinator of Mirabai’s Lightworker Training School. Her participation in Mirabai’s Apprenticeship Program was incredibly powerful through both the teachings, and the intensive cleansing of what was hindering her from living her calling. Katie is profoundly grateful to Mirabai Devi and to the Divine Light and gives thanks every day for the gift of life, with humility and wonder.
Though Katie is engaged in Divine service daily, she does not have a public practice at this time.
Drew Thomes
Drew has been an active part of the spiritual community since 1990 and has studied with various mentors and teachers, including studies with the Self Realization Fellowship and the Institute of Himalayan Tradition. She also worked closely with beloved mentor Brooks Greene-Barton from 2009-2013. Her studies and background combine psychology and sociology with her deep connection to Nature and the Light.
Drew met Mirabai Devi in 2007 and worked closely with Mirabai for over three years as a Seva member before accepting the role as Operations Director of the Mirabai Devi Foundation.
She joined the Mirabai Devi Lightworker School in 2008 and continued close mentorship with Mirabai into the Lightworker Apprenticeship program. This program has offered her the opportunity to delve deeply into the surrender of ego, to embrace the practice of neutrality, and to work with others with the Light and with Forgiveness Practice. The program also has provided the opportunity to deepen both her business and personal relationship with Mirabai.
Drew has had a sacred connection with Nature since she was young. She feels deep humility in working with the Divine Light and is grateful for the opportunities to be of service to the Earth and to Humanity.
She worked in airline management for nearly 20 years before stepping out of corporate life into the non-profit sector. She has been the Operations Director for the Mirabai Devi Foundation and Mirabai Devi, LLC since 2010. She continues to work closely with Mirabai in a number of ways to expand the mission of the Mirabai Devi Foundation. Drew does not have a public practice at this time.