Camille Moritz is a Revelator of Light, Activator, Way-Shower, Psychic, Spiritual Medium, Crystal Healer and Remover of Obstacles for Fulfilling Life. She is a channel for Divine Mother and the karmic Board of record keepers. Camille is the author of the Easy Golden Age Play-Book titled, “Heaven On Earth, Just For Being, Light Activation Play-Book” A conscious co-creation ascension manual, heralding in the Golden Age of Enlightenment.
Camille has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Graduate Studies in Jungian Archetypal Psychotherapy & Body Centered Therapies. She has been a 15-year clinical case manager in traditional centers and has been providing Spiritual, Psychic, Intuitive Readings, and Transformational Soul Healing sessions for more than 20 years.
Born with the clairvoyant gift of Revelation, Camille channeled an in depth transformational system of “Divine Revelation” whereby each soul is freed of karmic debt through sacred-heart revealing, clearing and integrating into the new Cosmic Fifth Dimensional Earth. Her mission is to call forth all to be revealed, healed and restored in Divine Justice, Truth, Light and Peace. Heaven on Earth, Just for Being Is the DIVINE PLAN.
Camille loves to teach Light Activation Play-shops facilitating easy fulfilling life. She is known for sharing transformational “tools” that facilitate healing the Sacred-Heart, Self-Mastery, Personal Empowerment, Soul-Clearing, Spiritual Psychic Development and Activation the Golden Age of Enlightenment.
Camille has a vast intuitive awareness and ability to deliver messages, codes, symbols and information from Multi-Dimensional Realms. Spiritual Messages may be delivered from Cosmic, Celestial, Elemental, Animals, Angels, Guides and Loved ones who have passed over. Camille hears answers, and so ask Questions.
“All is intended to happen through prayer, Invocation, affirmation, claiming, and requesting or asking source from the sacred heart. And it does so due to our Inherent Value as divine sacred worthy and imperfectly perfect Co-Creator Beings. Ask and it will manifest in form…. JUST FOR BEING!!!”
May Just Life Prevail as Heaven On Earth, With Ease, Just for Being. Only Love Is Real.